Thank you for visiting from the Jumpstart Your _________ Book and reading my chapter on your Money Relationship!

As promised, here are some free resources to begin changing your relationship with money and improve your money mindset starting with your money story.

Yes! I want my free resources!

Jumpstart Your Money Relationship!

Is it time to change your relationship with money?

Check out these 11 top tips on how to rewrite your money story today! Make each one a new chapter in your personal Money Story. You can take one or two of these and implement them immediately. Once you do, please check back with me and let me know what changes you see in your life and your money. Enjoy!

Rewrite Your Money Story

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"The step into the MONEY course was one of the best things I have done for myself in my life. I have a new vision of my potential and feel very capable of achieving it. I have shifted my entire perspective with regards to my mindset, my responsibility, my willingness and my commitment to making the changes needed to achieve my goals and dreams."

Susan Mason-Apps
M.O.N.E.Y. Course & M.O.N.E.Y. Club

Meet Andrea Scott Brown, MBA, CEC, B.Msc.

Hi! I'm Andrea and I'm so glad you made it here.

If you don't know me, I'm the Audacious Path Coach helping entrepreneurs and leaders take control of their money so they can get their authentic message out into the world and make a living do just that. Now THAT's an Audacious Path!

I hope you take advantage of this great resource to finally look at your own money story so you can make it exactly what you want it to be rather than pre-programmed from the past.

You can start right now!

Click Here: Rewrite Your Money Story

"Iā€™m so thankful I no longer have my head in the sand. I feel like Iā€™m just a little braver and a little more confident. I don't have all the answers, but at least now I know who to ask."
